At My Defensive Training, LLC we believe that it is every individuals RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to be the first line of defense for themselves and their family in the unfortunate event that the need arises!
We appreciate the fact that you trust us with your safety. It is our promise to you that we will give you what we believe is the best information and training available in the safest, most comfortable and most competent manner possible.
Our clients range from those who have never touched a firearm and have even spent most of their life afraid of them, all the way to those trained professionals who have used or currently use firearms as a part of their job; and everywhere in between. Everyone who has been through one of our classes has left with several practical tools helping them be ready to protect themselves and those they love.
One of our best compliments from the first group of people mentioned was simply put “Knowledge conquers fear.” From the second group of people we have heard they appreciate gaining the knowledge and training to carry in public without a group being there to watch their back.
Instructor Profiles
Tim – Owner and lead instructor

I’m a civilian defender of myself and those I love, just like you.
I love to educate and empower people in the safe, legal and effective use of firearms!
I’ve had the benefit of learning from some of the best in the business and am continuing to seek further education in the safe and practical use of firearms, both for my own use and to pass on the best possible information to my students.
I’ve also had the opportunity to train some armed professionals who use firearms for a living. Every time they have left with more skills in their tool belt… and they’ve shared a little bit with me as well!
Several of my students have not used a firearm before or in a long time; this class of students has the most to gain and always leaves knowing how to safely handle and use a firearm as well as how to practice and train more after the course.
I believe the classroom portion of a course should be more like a discussion with practical teaching that you will be able to remember – not a lecture or something read from a powerpoint; it’s my pledge to you that I will do my best to run a class you will not have to work to stay awake through!
Beyond the classes I have taken for personal development I am a certified instructor with the following organizations in the listed disciplines.
United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA)
– Concealed Carry and Home Defense Instructor
– Defensive Shooting Fundamentals Level 1 Instructor
– Countering The Mass Shooter Threat
Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners
– Concealed Pistol Safety and Training Instructor